The reality of the self is like the ocean its real nature is very peaceful
The waves in the ocean are the universe which is our own mind
The nature of the waves is to go up and down
The waves are not other than ocean
Still we separate them by giving them a separate name and form
It’s not unnatural for the mind to get stirred by some external forces
But one who is aware of their self i am not the body and the mind i am pure self
And knows the universe is one with themselves will be not be disturbed even though the waves are there
Self is god
But as long as we don’t find god within ourselves
There is difference between god’s will and our will
We need complete surrender to find god within ourselves
Complete surrender doesn't mean not to work not to eat not to meet people
But rather the ego of i am the doer should be eliminated from the mind
What happened then?
The mind begins to accept all situations and becomes free from pleasure and pain
In words it seems very easy but it’s very difficult to surrender
It needs constant practice and watching our every action
Without watching ourselves we can’t be aware of the tricks the mind plays
The world is created by our own mind, by our mind it is expanding
By our own mind its reality exists
Everyone’s world is their own mind
Just as one can’t dream anyone else’s dream so one can’t see the world of others
But we all exist in the worlds of each other
Anything which is accepted by the mind comes into its existence
And when it is rejected by the mind its existence disappears
The world is just like a dream that is created by the mind
And is experienced until the person awakens
Then it disappears
The seer and the object scene make an illusionary relationship
If the seer loses their identity the ego of being a seer
Then the illusion doesn’t exist in the object scene
x Silence Speaks